Saturday, March 12, 2011

Hello and Welcome!

Welcome to Crafting Sanity, my catch-all blog about living frugally, decluttering, homeschooling, simplicity and more!

Why Crafting Sanity?  As a mom of two kids under five, with another due in late May, my life sometimes gets a little crazy.  Add in working outside the home and trying to run a part-time photography business and it gets downright insane!  I have to find my little pieces of sanity wherever I can, and most of the time, I do it by crafting: sewing, scrapbooking, painting, etc.  Arts and crafts are therapy in this house!  

At the same time, I'm always looking for ways to make our everyday lives simpler.  A simpler life equals less opportunity for the crazy to move in and take over!  In that regard, I'm recently on a mission to declutter our home, declutter our financial life, and make every day about the things that are most important: each other.  

As the blog grows, I look forward to posting about our progress, as well as sharing craft projects and tutorials and information on how everyone can simplify their lifestyle and home.  Pictures and stories about my kids are a given!  

I'm looking forward to sharing our journey with you, and I hope you enjoy following along!

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