Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thankful Thursday

I'm of the opinion that it pays positive dividends to always keep in mind the many blessings I have in life.  Like everyone, though, I can sometimes dwell on the negative and concentrate too much on things I don't have. To help myself keep a "glass half full" kind of perspective, I'd like to take some time every week to count my blessings.  I hope you'll join me and share in the comments what you're thankful for this week!

This week I am thankful for...
.....Cool, autumn weather.  Such a refreshing change from the 95 degree highs of a week ago.

.....Children who love to learn.  They make homeschooling a joy and a pleasure. 

.....Quiet time in the car on the way too work after a noisy, busy morning.

.....An almost four month old who finally smiles in the bath instead of crying.

.....Getting a little late-night time to myself after everyone is in bed.

What are you thankful for?